domingo, 8 de junio de 2014

That one time in Sevilla and Córdoba...

Our class trip to the great cities of Sevilla and Córdoba was an extremely memorable experience! From the great history of the cathedrals to the astounding majesty of my good friend Monica, there was an innumerable amount of impressive bits of information or other things on the excursion. The 4 most impressive items on out trip were:

     1. The Sevilla Cathedral

On of the monuments we visited in Sevilla was the enormous Cathedral. It was very cool to be in such immense building with the highest ceiling I've ever seen. Ok, this might be showing my inner nerd, but what it reminded me of when in the first Lord of the Rings, when the fellowship is running through the Mines of Moria and they see all of those amazing looking pillars - which is CGI... But this cathedral was not CGI and the height and vast openness of the inside literally took my breath away.

     2. Plaza de Setas

With out free evening in Sevilla, we thought we would check out a free concert that was being put on in a near by plaza. It was call "Plaza de Setas" in spanish and the translates to Mushroom Plaza in english. We didn't know exactly what to expect before arriving at the concert but what we saw there blew my mind. It was a raised plaza, covered by some crazy poking canopy-like artish structure thing. It look like a mushroom to us so we then understood the name. The atmosphere of the plaza and talent on stage was great, making out time in the Plaza de Setas a memorable one.

     3. The Córdoba Cathedral

The Cathedral in Córdoba was so impressive because of not only the size and magnificent features, but also because of the history behind it. On the site, there originally was a christian church; however, when the city came under muslim control, a giant Mosque was built in the same site. Some of the original church was not destroyed, just simply built over so it is very cool that through some excavation, a bit of the original church is visible. The crazy history doesn't end here though. When the city was reconquered by christian Spaniards, the mosque was not simply knocked down and replaced with a christian church. The christians left the mosque standing, only clearing out the central part of the mosque and erecting a Cathedral right in the center of the grand Mosque. It is a site to be seen with all the clashing types of architecture because of all the different times the building was added to but it is intriguing and beautiful at the same time.
(Sorry no pictures, my phone died)

     4.  María Luisa Park

This beautiful park in Sevilla had everything: an awesomely large and gorgeous building to explore, fountains to splash in, parks to play in, playgrounds to frolic in and trees to climb! Finding this rare animal in the park was also another highlight.

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