martes, 10 de junio de 2014

Me gusta mi casa, me gustas tu

As you will be able to tell very quickly, my spanish house is very different than many houses back in The States. This is the street view of mi casa. I have to use my key to get into the gate each time I come back through. This is something very different for me because at my house, my family rarely locks the front door during the daytime. Anyhow, security might just be more up tight part of peoples lives here than in my small little town in Michigan. 

Once you enter the gate and pass through the door, this would be your view. To your left, you have the staircase upstairs to the bedrooms; directly in front of you, there is the door to the kitchen and dinning room most frequently used and to your right, there is the family room with a very nice dinner room that I haven't even used yet. 

This is the living/family room. As you can see there are two couches and a larger television. This is where my host father spends most of his time either watching TV, doing things on his computer or reading. There is also the nicer dinner table that I have only seen used to collect papers. 

Here is the kitchen. Its much more compact than many kitchens in the US. The refrigerator, oven and microwave all take up very little space ad they are built into the wall. Many of my appliances at my house in Michigan are much larger and therefore take up much more space. 

This is the stovetop and most of the cooking my host mother does is over here. I would say 90% of what I eat come directly form this stove top... My moms food is delicious and therefor I love this stovetop... Don't mess with this stovetop. 

Here is were all of our meals have been eaten. I sit in the chain closest to you on the left. My hot mother fills the basket of fruit on the table every other day or so. Another difference between the US and here is that my family here ALWAYS has the TV on when we are eating. Even for dinner with the whole family, the TV is on. It is not usually the center of attention, but it is always background noise. Im the states, I never eat in front of the TV if my family is sitting down to eat. Its a bit of a distraction for me here for some reason.  

This is the upstairs hallway. Directly in front of you is the door to my room and on your left there is the door to my host parents room. Also, on the left is my bathroom. 

This is my room! There isn't much because I don't spend much time here. MY very comfortable bed and a desk to do my HW if i so choose to do it up here and not downstairs or at a cafe with my pals. 

Possibly my favorite part of my to room is my view from my window. My house has a walled in back yard with a small patio and pool. This is very different from in the states because only the most rich and fancy houses have walled in yards. It is a very normal thing here, but I do have to say the pool does show my family's wealth a little bit.

That is Mi Casa for my time in Granada! I found not be happier with my host family or how well they have accommodated me :)

1 comentario:

  1. Wonderful post on your house, Ian. The pics go a long way to showing what it's like to live there.
