miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014

Señora Interview - Patrick Wilson

Hello all,

The following is a little blog post regarding my señora Inma and the shopping and cooking that she does. I asked her a few questions and accompanied my host brother the fruteria to witness how the andulucians do things when it comes to food prep.

Patrick Wilson: P
Inma Cruz: I

A rough translation of a conversation that occurred in spanish.

P: So where do you go to shop? Is it mostly little specialized markets or big super markets?
I: I go to the places in my neighborhood for fruit, meat, and fish and then I go to the super market for everything else that the local stores don't have.

P: How often do you go on average? Once a week?
I: I go shopping for food everyday. Supermarket and local fruit and meat stores pretty much everyday.

P: Wow that is pretty crazy. Why do you go so often? When you go shopping do you have an idea of what you are going to buy before going to the store?
I: I almost always know what im looking for at the store. And I go often so I can get daily foods fresh. There are foods of the day too that can only be purchased for a better deal on that day.

P: Have you noticed that the prices have been going up the past few years on food? if so, do you have an example?
I: Yea I have definitely noticed that. Especially with fruit, vegetables, and fish. Fish used to be less expensive than meat but now its more expensive.

P: Interesting. In an average day, how much time would you say you spend making meals?
I: about 2 hours on average. Depending on the specific meal could be more or less.

P: Whats your favorite meal to eat?
I: Baked Fish. I love it

P: Who taught you to cook?
I: first it was my mother. But since then I have learned a lot on my own. I like to experiment with new recipes and read a lot cooking books, watch cooking shows etc. I love cooking.

P: What kinda shows do you watch for cooking?
I: Cooking with Sergio, Master Chef.

P: Isnt master chef that show where the contestants arnt actually cooks and they don't know what they are doing?
I: Yes but it they learn and I learn too from watching it. And its very fun.

P: Very cool, very cool. Thanks for your time!

Some pretty interesting differences here. For one, cooking and preparation seems to something of a massive job. That being said the food is much more fresh and eating here is more about company and family than the food itself. The stores in the neighborhood are dedicated to one specific genre of food and they are all so close that there is no reason to stock up on certain things considering everything (essential) is < 5 min away.

Cool Cool,



1 comentario:

  1. Great interview, Patrick! For the most part, I think people, in general, dedicate more time to cooking in Spain that we do back home.
