domingo, 15 de junio de 2014

La Comida de Mi Señora

My Señora, Curra, is a wonderful cook! All of her food is delicious and she spends a lot of time preparing for each meal. She normally does the majority of the shopping in a supermarket, but she prefers to get meat and fruit from the local stores in her neighborhood. Depending on the week, she goes shopping 1-3 times to make sure that there is always fresh food in the house. She has noticed a huge rise in the cost of food in the past few years, especially in bread, which is a very important part of the Spanish diet. Therefore, she always goes to the store with a list of foods that she needs for the week. She plans out the meals for the month in the beginning of the months so she will always know what she'll need to buy for the meals she plans to cook for the week.

Cooking lunch often takes a while. Depending on the meal, it normally takes between and hour and a hour and a half to cook lunch. She will normally cook twice: the night before and the morning of. Her husband is not able to come home for lunch so she will cook his lunch the night before and pack it for  him and then cook while the children are at school she will cook lunch for herself, me, and the kids. She really enjoys cooking rice, but she loves to eat pizza. The pizza is homemade and it's delicious! She learned to cook from her mother, but she also gets new ideas from TV shows. She enjoys watching Top Chef and Jamie Oliver.

1 comentario:

  1. Top Chef Spain has a judge from Andalucía - you should watch it when you get back to the U.S. The first season was a lot of fun.
