martes, 10 de junio de 2014

¡Mi Apartamento!

This week we were instructed to give a visual tour of our apartments here in Granada! The pictures loaded onto the blog a wee bit janky, so they're out of order. If you haven't already figured it out from my other posts, I technologically challenged. Nonetheless, here's where I live!

This is the door to my apartment. It's on Campos Martínez, a fairly busy street right off of the main road.

I live on the third floor (which is actually the fourth floor). The ground floor is called the basement. There are two doors leading into my apartment. The one of the left leads to the main hallway, and is right across from my bedroom. The other door, on the right, leads to the kitchen.

Here's a view of the main section of the hallway. The hallway continues on and makes an L shape.  Here I'm standing between the door to the outside hallway, and my bedroom. To the left is the dining room, and further down is the living room. And to the right is the kitchen.

Also, interesting fact: all of the paintings in this house (with the exception of one) were made by my host grandpa!

The laundry room is in the very back of the kitchen. Here you can see the washing machine, and on top of it is the dishwasher. There's a small sink for laundry as well, and a folding table. The window is to the left of the folding table, where the clothes are hung to dry.

Here is the dining room, where we eat all of our meals. The table is always with placemats, multiple dishes, and a tea cup for gazpacho (which is delicious). Behind the table you can see the door to the balcony. And to the right, the kitchen connects to the living room.

This is the second part of the L-shaped hallway. There are small dressers with little trinkets and books at the sides of the hallway. To the right there is a closet, and the bathroom, and to the left are the rooms of the rest of the family.

The bathroom is just like any typical bathroom you'd expect to see: sink, mirror, bathtub, soap, makeup, toothbrushes- all the essentials (though I'm not sure why the toilet paper is at the sink). I promise there's a toilet! I couldn't fit it in the picture though.

This is my little host brother's room! He's nine years old and loves to play games and read books. His favorite book to look at is an atlas of the world.

This is the room that belongs to my host sisters. You can see that art runs in the family. The grandpa made the painting, and one of my host sisters made that shoe sculpture. You can't tell from here, but the heel of the shoe is actually a woman, symbolizing my host mother, and she's holding up all of the baggage that comes with my family- a basketball for my host brother, makeup for my host sister (the one who made the sculpture), a camera for my other host sister (who is a model), a bike helmet for my host dad, and a bone for the family dog. I love the creativity and expression of my host family.

This is the living room, and it's right next to the dining room and at the corner of the L-shaped hallway. It's a standard living room with sofas and a tv. The balcony is to the left, the hallway is to the right, and the dining room is behind me.

Here's a view of the kitchen. I'm standing in the pantry right now, and the fridge is to my right. It's a wee bit messy, because we had just eaten lunch. The sink is next to the dishes on the counter, and the oven is on the other side of the room. In the back left corner you can see the laundry room. There's actually a second bathroom back there, but I never go back there.

This is a view of my bedroom! It's quite cozy. You can see my bed, and the dresser to the right, a sofa in the center, and a rack of clothes and a table to the left. The giant window is nice because it lets in a sufficient amount of sunlight.

This is the lobby of my apartment, and what you would see after walking through the door to the street. The elevator is straight ahead, and the landlord lives to the right. She's such a lovely lady, and we chat occasionally. The mailboxes for all of the residents are on the wall to the left.

Well, that's my apartment! I hope you enjoyed the "tour" even though it was completely out of order. 
I offer my most sincere apologies.

Until next time,


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