domingo, 22 de junio de 2014

An Unforgettable Experience

Its so hard to believe that in just a day I'll be leaving Granada.  After spending six weeks here I feel so attached to this place.  Simple things like getting tapas in front of the Catedral, a cafe next to Rio Genil, or exploring the Albazycin have all really ingrained this city into my memories.  Not to mention all the crazy fun nights out with all my classmates to the discotecas or for tapas.  Its been really fun.  I think I'll take away a better appreciation for Spanish culture and a greater understanding of its history and significance as well as a way better ability to speak and understand Spanish. In addition to some great relationships with all the people in my class.  I'll also have a much better understanding of different lifestyles and how a community functions.  It was really pleasant to see the greater sense of community I feel Spain has, to actually see how that functions, and to exist within it.  I loved all the communal public spaces where literally everyone was.  People of all ages together outside and interacting.  It was nice.

Now as for some crucial (or maybe just helpful) advice about Granada and your study abroad experience

  • Do try everything that you possibly can.
    •   This is amazing opportunity and its no time to be picky.  Plus the food here is great!
  • Take sometime to do some solitary exploring.  
    • While being with people is always fun, theres something to be said about alone time in a foreign country.  You're able to give your full attention to your surroundings and do exactly what you want to do.  
  • Take time to document your experience
    • While photos are always an excellent idea, writing can really reveal what you were thinking at a certain time and how that evolved.  
  • Try so spend as much time as you can outside
    • Too often I felt I was inside studying to much or deciding to stay in and relax, but I'd recommend spending as much time as you can out in the city
  • Excercise!  
    • Whether its running next to the river or working out at the gym, exercising will really help with any time of stress you maybe experiencing 
  • Be involved as much as you can with your classmates
    • You'll make great relationships and form some unforgettable memories
  • Don't always go to the same restaurant or  tapas bar 
    • This city is literally FILLED with tapas bar and with some research you can really find the gems.  Relying on convenience to choose a place or falling too easily into a routine is a really bad reason to not explore everything Granada has to offer.
  • Don't Bring a giant suitcase if you're planning to travel after the program
    • This is something I'm currently experiencing and hefty fees it includes for not traveling light and small
  • Don't stress about class too much
    • Yes,  I know its an 8 credit course in 6 weeks but remember where you are and don't spend all you're time doing or being preoccupied with homework when there's a beautiful city around you
  • Don't forget to be appreciative for each moment
    • There maybe times when its sweltering and all you want to do is sit inside, but push past it and realize what an amazing experience this is.  It truly is something you'll never forget.   
Buena Suerte!  I know you'll have the best time of your life 
Hasta Luego!

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