domingo, 15 de junio de 2014

Mi Casa

Hola Todos, 

First I would like to apologize about the brevity of this entry. I am at a cafe and my computer is about to die. Second Id like to introduce you to my home in Granada. I live on 38 Madreselva Calle. It is a nice area with many small homes. I have been town that this is starting to become the norm for people in Spain. It is much nicer than apartment buildings and I do hope that this is true.
 This is a photo of the deskI work at. It is attached to the bedroom I sleep in. It also doubles as the young  girls play room when I am not occupying the room.
 This is a picture of the up stairs living room. Unlike many of my classmates my family lives in a home. I feel quite lucky to have so much space. They dont really ever use this area. The little girls has her tutoring at the table but that is all.
 Here is the spiral staircase that leads to my room and the terrace on the top of the house. They place nice potted ivy on some of the stairs and it gives a very nice effect to the stairs.
 This is the shower, where I shower. The bathroom is regular sized. One difference to my bathroom at home is that my host family puts their shoes in the bathroom. This can at times make it a very smelly room, especially when it has been 100 degrees all day.
 This is the entrance hall. It is like most others and has doors on every room so that they can be heated independently.
This is the living room of the lower floor. They eat all of their meals here. This is one of the major differences between houses in spain and the US. I thought that we watched a lot of TV but I dont think I have ever seen the TV off here. 
 Here is the door.
Finally here is a picture of my bedroom. It is pretty much the same as my bedroom at home, except my walls are pink not violet. I am unsure why they gave me my host sisters room because they have four bedrooms. I hypothesize that it was so that I could use the desk in the back of the room but I am not positive.

That is all for now.

1 comentario:

  1. Nice description of your house, Grant. It's always a plus to have a desk in your room.
