lunes, 23 de junio de 2014

Bye For Now


This is my final entry to this blog. Maybe I will start a new blog to continue blogging into the future, and perhaps I won't; you'll have to check the new blog to find out. 

Granada has been great to say the least. I have greatly enjoyed my time in Spain and all the things that I have learned about the culture and language. I now have a few suggestions, recommendations, and ideas for future travelers and students in Granada. This will be in the form of a Do's and Don't's list. 


1. Eat at Papaupa. it has good sangria and food. I would say the best sangria.

2. If studying in Granada make sure you review a lot of spanish vocab. before hand. It will make understanding the meaning of conversations much easier. You don't need to understand everything someone says to get the gist.

3. Go out to eat Tapas as often as possible. They are free with a drink and a drink is cheap. If you keep ordering drinks at a place you like they will give you larger and larger tapas. They also will get better in quality. However, only do this at good places.

4. If staying with a host family put some thought into the gifts you bring for them. A shirt with a michigan M on it is stupid and will never be worn. Bring something that is both usable and representative of you. I brought maple syrup, it goes great with the churros here.


1. Don't take cabs everywhere. By walking you are more likely to notice interesting places you'd like to go.

2. Don't bring a bunch of pants and long sleeve shirts, it is hot here. Way hotter than anywhere should be. 

3. Don't wait till the last minute to make your planes for after and during the trip. 

4. Don't listen to people when they tell you they dress different here. They dress a lot like we do in the US. They do dress nicer, as in not a lot of workout clothes. They do not dress conservatively though. Far from it. I have seen shorts that could be a new type of Victoria's Secret jean underwear.

That is all for now, and unfortunately for ever. Unless I start a new blog.

1 comentario:

  1. Ay Grant - you had to comment on the heat! FWIW, I agree 100% with you.
