domingo, 8 de junio de 2014

Sevilla and Córdoba Fun!

My weekend trip to Sevilla and Córdoba was absolutely amazing. Although it's quite impossible to explore these huge cities in only two days, we we're still able to see what makes these cities so great. In Sevilla, the Reales Alcázares was incredible. It is one of the oldest palaces that are still in use in the world! María Luisa Park was also breath taking. When I looked at the itinerary for the weekend I was so confused why we were going to spend 2 hours in a park. I soon realized that 2 hours was not nearly enough time! There was so much to see and so much that we wanted to explore! A few of us did take some time in the park to unleash our inner child and play on the amazing playgrounds and run around in the fountains. The parks and plazas all around Spain are amazing and I would recommend everyone to go to at least a couple!

Despite all those great things, nothing compares to cathedral and cathedral tower in Sevilla and the mesquita in Córdoba. The cathedral in Sevilla is the largest catholic cathedral in the world! Words could not describe the beauty of the cathedral. Additionally, Christopher Columbus is buried in the cathedral, which I though was really cool to see! The cathedral tower is attached to the cathedral and we walked up 35 ramps to see an amazing view of the city. The mesquita in Córdoba was my favorite thing we saw the whole weekend. It was a mosque that was turned into a church, thus it had both Muslim and Christian influence. There was so much history to take in and I personally loved how the Christians did to destroy the mosque or ruin its beauty, but rather took what was there and made it their own!

The weekend was amazing and sorry for not including pictures, but I have difficulty uploading them.

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