jueves, 15 de mayo de 2014

Why Granada?

Granada is amazing! The city is so beautiful and it only gets better every day. At first I was very overwhelmed and I was so confused on how to get anywhere but it only took a couple days until I was able to get around the city.  The people hear are so nice and are willing to try to help me even though my Spanish is not very good yet. My host family is amazing and only after a few days I'm able to understand most things that they say. It is hard for me to adjust to the eating habits here because lunch is my least favorite meal, but it's the most important meal in Spain. The food here is very good though! I love going out for tapas and trying many new foods. 

My trip has been great so far, but I wish I would have done a few things before I left. First, I wish I would have booked a flight that arrived in the morning, not the evening, so I could have explored the city the first day I got here. Additionally I wish I would have done some more research about Spain,  about Granada particularly, so I would know more about the culture and be able to talk about it with my family. I also should have reviewed my Spanish more before I came because the language barrier is especially hard the first couple days, but it's amazing how quickly it comes back. My voice in my head is starting to say things half in English and half in Spanish; it's quite weird!

There is nothing thing in particular that I wish I would have brought from home, but I'm sure I will fins something shortly that I forgot! I would recommend comfortable walking shoes in addition to tennis shoes because The city is very similar to Ann Arbor in that you walk everywhere.

Overall, this has been a wonderful experience and it's only been a few days. I cannot wait to see what adventures I'll have during my time here. It's going to be a life changing experience!

1 comentario:

  1. Dani - great point on comfortable walking shoes. People move around a lot here and it's mostly by foot. Good shoes are a necessity!
