martes, 13 de mayo de 2014

That one time in Granada...

My name is Ian Beck and I just finished my freshman year before I left on this spectacular journey to Spain! Granada is currently blowing my mind and I have only been here for 2 whole days! The city is beautiful and it seems like every corner that we turn there is a grand cathedral with breath-taking architecture or an open plaza with fountains and tables for tapas or ice cream.

Also, I cannot believe how much progress I have already made with my communication ability. I was first a little awe struck when arriving and the only word that could come out of my mouth when talking with my host family was "Si" (I accidentally agreed that I would go to a Zumba class with my señora sometime). However, now I have been able to open up with my family a lot more and actually have some type of broken and fragmented conversation. I can understand so much more than I thought I would in the first few days and the speaking is coming along as well. I was very nervous prior to arriving that my host family would not receive my poor spanish well, but they are extremely understanding and want to help in any way that they can.

I cannot think of anyway that I would have wanted to plan the trip to Spain any differently. I probably would have brought some pictures of my family in order to have some easy conversations with my host family when they ask about my life in the States, but other than that, most anything I didn't bring I really didn't need. I think that it was super awesome that many of us students planned the trip over together and go the same, or very similar, itinerary. Talking with my classmates prior to any stressful interactions in Spain relieved many of my fears and feelings of inadequacy.

Everyone here (my classmates, the professor, the CEA staff, my host family...)  is so helpful and nice! It will definitely be the most memorable and exciting 6 weeks of my life!

Vamos Azul!

2 comentarios:

  1. "Granada is currently blowing my mind and I have only been here for 2 whole days!" Jaja, me felicito que te va bien, cuidado chico

  2. Super cool, Ian. It's obvious you are taking advantage of the opportunities to use Spanish with folks here. Keep it up!

    On another note, Zumba class? ;-)
