jueves, 15 de mayo de 2014

Things I like better in Granada -
Light Switches
Pizza (it helps when your host family owns a pizzeria - I'm in love)
Summer drinks
Pretty much all the food let's be honest...

I can't believe that I've only been in this city for less than 5 days. I'm used to moving around a lot and relocating often with the necessity of quickly becoming accustomed to a new place. I didn't expect it to be quite as simple for me here. Obviously I still get lost on a daily basis but if I walk in enough circles I can find where I'm going - and obviously I can barely talk to anyone but if I move my hands enough it seems that the point comes across a bit more quickly. But already this city feels something like a home, and I can see myself becoming even more a part of Granada. It helps that my host mum reminds me of a talkative combination between my own mum and grandma - and cooks just as much and as deliciously.

Even though the career I am currently pursuing requires traveling the world - this is the first time I've been out of my home country and I was extremely nervous. Attempting to be as prepared as possible I talked to friends that had studied abroad in Spain and other places, with my aunt that travels a lot and pretty much anyone else I encountered that had been out of the country for any extended period of time. From all of that and all of my expectations I learned one thing - don't have expectations. The suggestions and necessities of my friends may had been pertinent for them, but I have found many of their information to be the contrary. Unbelievably - they have tampons in Spain (believe it or not Spanish women have the same time of the month), ponytails, tanktops and booty shorts exist, there aren't pick-pocketers at every corner waiting for you, everything in the city is closed during siesta, and the people are wonderfully welcoming. Among many other things I have discovered about this city in the few days I have been here I am sure there are many more of my expectations that will be dashed before too long.

1 comentario:

  1. Luna - I like the idea of not having expectations. Live the experience for what it is and try to grow from it. I have to remind myself that from time to time but it's well worth doing so.
